Trauma-Informed Care in Utah

Feel safe in your body again and restore your nervous system with trauma-informed treatments that will help you move forward in your healing journey from Trauma, PTSD & Complex PTSD

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Understand, Treat, Heal

Trauma is complicated, many symptoms overlap with other mental health conditions, making it difficult to recognize and treat. Harper Clinic’s empathetic team of trauma-informed therapists will learn your story and understand if your health problems are due to underlying trauma.

Without treatment, all trauma whether acute, chronic or complex, can affect your nervous system and keep you from living a healthy and fulfilled life.

Stop living in survival mode and let Harper Clinic provide you with a space to learn about your trauma and heal from it.
Acute Trauma or Me?

This is often the result of a single severe event, e.g. a car accident, terrorist attack, natural disaster or school shooting.

This refers to prolonged exposure to distress that often manifests into a trauma syndrome such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Causes could include serving in war or combat, experiencing domestic abuse, experiencing a medical injury or disease, etc.

This stems from on-going exposure to multiple traumatic events, often during the developmental years. This can include neglect, abuse, growing up in a dysfunctional family or violent community.

The Impact of Trauma: Recognizing the Signs

Our compassionate team at Harper Clinic understands the toll trauma can take on the mind, body and spirit. Research shows trauma can make you sick, depressed, and even shorten your lifespan. Trauma can present in a number of ways that can disrupt your overall health and emotional wellness.

Feel safe in your body and mind with trauma-informed treatment approaches rooted in compassion and empathy.

Personalized Medicine:
Target The Root of Your Depression

If you find yourself frozen from depression, unable to move forward with your life, let Harper Clinic support you in your journey. We will learn your story, check for underlying health problems, and design a targeted treatment plan focused on your unique needs, experiences and what you have already tried in the past.  

Harper Clinic offers comprehensive services designed for the treatment of depression including evidence-based therapies, functional medical testing and holistic interventions.

Modernized mental health therapies based on revolutionary neuroscience⸺Therapy-Assisted Ketamine Treatment, TMS and Neurofeedback.